"e-facilitator" for digital inclusion - closing the gap in professional education for digital competences
Digital exclusion is an increasingly pressing challenge of the knowledge society. Telecentres accept the challenge by providing internet access and raising the competences of the digitally excluded in local communities. This paper reflects the role of e-facilitators, the persons who work in telecentres, and the diverse set of qualifications they need in order to do their job well. For this group, which is rapidly growing in number, a curriculum has been developed, tested and made available for free. Finally, opportunities to integrate education for mediating digital skills in existing professional
profiles are being discussed.
Bibliographische Angaben: Kaletka, Christoph; Pelka, Bastian; Seiler, Gerhard; Wolbers, Nenja: A pilot for a new professional profile "e-facilitator" for digital inclusion - closing the gap in professional education for digital competences ; In: Gessler, Michael; Freund, Larissa (Hrsg.): Crossing boundaries in vocational education and training: Innovative concepts for the 21st century; conference proceedings; (Evaluate europe handbook series ; 6); DOI 10.13140/RG.2.1.2120.3928 ; S. 173-179; Bremen: ITB, 2015