Be creative! Literature Review on People with Intellectual Disabilities Involvement in Media Research Studies

Digital media have wide-ranging potential for people with and without disabilities. The increasing interest in media usage is reflected in numerous studies worldwide. People with intellectual disabilities are excluded from research due to a number of obstacles (e.g. cognitive and linguistic abilities) in this research field. Considering the lack of research about media usage and people with intellectual disabilities, this literature review analyses the following research questions: 1) Are people with intellectual disabilities involved in current research?, 2) What research methods are used to conduct research with people with intellectual disabilities?, and 3) Which topics are researched in current studies? To answer our research questions, we conducted a literature review with 38 studies included in our sample. We found that most studies use questionnaires or interviews to research the media usage of people with intellectual disabilities. In this paper, we discuss implications to involve people with disabilities in research.

Bibliographische Angaben:
Heitplatz, Vanessa; Wilkens, Leevke:
Be creative! Literature Review on People with Intellectual Disabilities Involvement in Media Research Studies;
In: Heitplatz, Vanessa; Wilkens, Leevke (Hrsg.): Die Rehabilitationstechnologie im Wandel: Eine Mensch-Technik-Umwelt Betrachtung; S. 105-126;
Dortmund: Eldorado, 2024

